Fan Violence - A Letter to My Unborn Son On This Father’s Day Week
Tuesday June 12, 2012 (Reposted June 17, 2013)
On September 19th, 2002, during a Chicago White Sox-Kansas City Royals game played on the south side, two “Fans,” a father and his son, jumped onto the field and attacked Royals first base coach Tom Gamboa. It was an ugly scene and it inspired me to write this in honor of Father’s Day. I call it, “A Letter To My Unborn Son.”
A Letter to My Unborn Son On Father’s Day
-- Written by Don Bastida
One day, when you are old enough we will go to a ballgame.
Our favorite team will be playing
And we’ll bring our gloves in the hope of catching a foul ball.
It will be the time honored tradition of a father and son at the ballgame.
It will be a day you’ll never forget.
We’ll get there early to watch BP.
And, maybe we’ll get some autographs.
I’ll get a beer and you’ll get a coke.
I’ll buy you a pennant and then we’ll get some hotdogs.
It will be a day you’ll never forget.
We’ll sit in the bleachers and I’ll have a few beers and you’ll have a few cokes.
I’ll explain the tragedy of artificial turf.
It will be a day you’ll never forget.
We’ll yell at the umpire and boo the visiting team.
I’ll have another beer and you’ll have some cotton candy and a malt.
I’ll tell you about the great ones, Mantle and Mays and Aaron and Ryan.
It will be a day you’ll never forget.
We’ll root for our home team and buy some new caps.
I’ll have another beer and we’ll take off our shirts and soak up the sun.
I’ll tell you why the National League is better than the American League.
It will be a day you’ll never forget.
The clean-up hitter on our team will hit a home run!
I’ll have another beer and you’ll have another coke.
I’ll explain to you why the designated hitter rule sucks.
It will be a day you’ll never forget.
We’ll jump onto the field and try to beat the crap out of the opposing team’s first base coach.
We’ll get the crap beat out of us by the opposing team.
It will be a day you’ll never forget.
We’ll get taken away, me to “County” and you to “Juvy,” and end up on every news network in America.
Larry King’s people will call, so will Bill O’Reilly’s.
It will be a day you’ll never forget.
Yes, it will be a day you’ll never forget and want to share with your own son one day.